Q: How are insights generated?
A: Insights are generated with the help of various machine learning and deep learning models working together to draw inferences based on the context of the conversation. Our out of the box insights don’t generally need any upfront training data. You can create custom intents over our contextual understanding engine.
Q: Are Symbl Insights based on keywords or do I need to bring my own training data to generate them?
A: Symbl’s platform is built on a proprietary deep learning framework where we have done the hard work to identify critical components of a conversation based on contextual understanding. You do not need to bring training data to generate.
Q: Can I use my own training data to create more insights?
A: If your solution requires some other type of insight detection that does not fall under the out-of-the-box insights we provide, you might need to start with training data. However, our customers tell us the Symbl contextual understanding engine provided better results than what they were able to generate with training data.
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