Q: Can I bring my own ASR?
A: You can use our Text API for transcripts generated by your own ASR. We also have the ability to work with a variety of ASR partners if you are looking for a customized solution.
Q: Can I measure the accuracy of the speech recognition myself?
A: We have multiple articles to help with speech recognition evals. Feel free to reference the following:
- Key Metrics For Evaluating Speech Recognition Software
- Why and How to Perform an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) Evaluation
Q: What is the accuracy of your speech recognition?
A: Symbl has best in class speech to text available across all channels. If a company claims a precise answer for out of the box speech recognition accuracy, here are a few considerations to keep in mind.
- The way companies measure accuracy differs.
- Custom models outperform standard, so the question to ask is what level of accuracy do we need to be successful
- The key differentiator when it comes to transcription is the presence of an intelligence layer. Symbl provides a proven intelligence layer that transforms transcription into key insights and next best actions.
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